In honor of Caturday, I thought it would be fun to tell you the story of Vladimir Kitten. It all started when we first saw the Cats vs. Cucumber video on YouTube. Do yourself a favor and watch it right now then come back. Anyways, Cees, who doesn’t usually care for cats, said, “Man I wish we had a cat we could try this on!” I took that comment verrrryy literally and started looking up cats online at the local animal shelter and on the classifieds. I usually do this on a daily basis anyways, but this time there was a real shred of hope that maybe, just maybe, we would adopt a kitty! Cees, probably went about his day as usual and forgot all about the cats vs. cucumbers, meanwhile, I’m madly searching and texting every cat lady who has free kitties that I can find online and saving pictures of cats I found at the animal shelter. Later that night, while in Target, Cees remembered the funny cat video and told me that if we were getting a cat TODAY is the ONE day. I could only get one on that EXACT day, not the next day, not next week, THAT DAY. It was already nighttime, Cees probably thought that chances were slim of us actually getting a kitty, but I was sneaky and had already gotten a litter of kitties to visit all lined up and even plugged into my phone navigation. HA! Conveniently, we were already in Target, so I picked out some wet kitten food, a litter box, and all the basics for kitten parenting. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening.
We anxiously drove the 40 minutes to this random lady’s house where her cat had a litter of kittens a couple of weeks previously. Unfortunately, the silly mama cat got pregnant right after she gave birth and stopped feeding the original litter and was abandoning them at 5 weeks old. Luckily, we were there to adopt right?! The woman’s 6-year-old daughter led us outside to the shed where they were keeping the kittens. I was shocked at how tiny they were. Their eyes were open and they were walking but not very well. They were SO little and cute. #ItsSoFluffyImGonnaDie!!!!! There were only 3 kittens left and I couldn’t even choose, it’s like trying to pick JUST one donut at the donut store. How about 3 thank you very much!!!? I was holding this one tiny, white kitten with a grey tail and a grey spot on its head when I asked the little girl which one she would pick for me, but before she could respond two strange, preteen girls barged into the shed and scooped up 2 of the 3 kittens and were gone within seconds. That was weird. Well, I guess they helped me decide! The little girl said that the one I was holding with he spot on its head was the one she would have chosen out of all of them anyway. We drove away and the tiny, white kitty with the spot on its head cried the whole way home.
After a terrible night sleep because we let him sleep in our bed and he cried literally the entire night, we started to get to know each other and even had a kitty photo shoot the next day. I’m so tired, now I am starting to understand all my friends who are having babies these days. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Yeah right!
Meowy Christmas Everyone
His full name is Vladimir Kitten Gorbachev. Vladimir Kitten for obvious reasons (it’s hilarious and because both Cees and I speak Russian) and Gorbachev for not so obvious reasons (Gorbachev the Soviet leader had a birthmark on his head too). My mom suggested Gorby for short.
So, having a kitty is really fun, and because his mama abandoned him so early on, I think he thinks we are his mothers now. We spend so much time with him, he lies on us when he sleeps, attacks us like a ferocious, baby tiger when he’s awake, and follows us around ALL day the rest of the time. Truthfully, I am a little offended because I have always been more of a cat person than Cees but our kitty totally loves him more!
The evidence:
Cees is really protective of Vlads and I constantly catch them doing stuff together
Yeah definitely anti-kitty.
Out of all the cats in the world, I think he loves at least just one.
So, now that we have a kitty, we want him to be the cutest, coolest, smartest, best adventure kitty out there. Cees and I have been doing a lot of research about cat training, and apparently cats are highly intelligent and you can train them to do any trick that a dog can do! We already ordered Gorby a cat harness and bungee leash as well all the accouterments for clicker training. I found this guy on YouTube who literally treats his cat Didga like a dog. Didga can do all kinds of tricks, is leash trained, loves to go on walks, swims in the ocean, paddle boards, and even rides a skateboard and can drop in at the skate park! It’s a little insane, but I hope Vlads is ready for his Meowtain Cat training to start soon! Our dream is to train him enough to travel everywhere with us and find the adventure kitty potential inside himself.
Are you ready to die from cuteness? Here is a photoshoot of baby’s first snow and canyon experience.
I spy a tiny kitten hiking
He felt the sun on his whiskers for the first time (we live in a dark cave-basement)
Probably should tell National Geographic that I captured a photo of the rare baby snow leopard.
A lot of you probably didn’t know this, but Cees used to be a kitty model.
My sister thinks we are a little too into this “infant photoshoot”
I would say she is right haha
Meowtain Cat
If you need me, talk to my agents, I’m very sleepy…too much adventure for one day.
Okay, I promise we aren’t crazy cat people. We are just a little excited about our meowtain kitty and we think he’s adorable. This is also a purrrfect opportunity to practice my photo skills before we have kids someday.
I hope you liked this post! Everyone loves little Vladimir Kitten, even people who aren’t cat people. Stayed tuned for more and hopefully we will have some videos of his training success soon! That’s all for meow.
Geez. Now I need a kitten…
I have one